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The Lord’s Prayer Resources

The Lord’s Prayer: Bible Study

Looking forward to our 5-Week Bible Study on the Lord’s Prayer beginning Sunday September 8.

To prepare: Listen to this Bible Project Podcast – “How Does Jesus Teach Us to Pray?”

Follow this link: https://bibleproject.com/podcast/why-did-jesus-give-us-prayer-lords-prayer-pt-1/?utm_source=web_social_share&medium=shared_podcast

Search: Bible Project Podcast Episode 20

Text Leroy Shepherd (503) 550-6610 or email [email protected] to be sent a link.

You are welcome to check out the resource page by clicking the button below for additional information and links to watch, read, and listen.

What: Lord’s Prayer Bible Study

When: Sundays beginning September 8, 6:00-7:00 pm

Where: Leroy and Jean Shepherd’s Home – 49140 SE Kingwood Ave. Mill City. Directions.

Activities for young children will be provided.

Bible Study Schedule:

Sept. 8: “How Does Jesus Teach Us to Pray?”
Sept. 15: “What Does ‘Hallowed By Thy Name’ Mean?”
Sept. 22: “What Does Jesus Mean by ‘Daily Bread’?”
Sept. 29: “What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t.”
Oct. 6: “Does God Lead Us Into Temptation?”

August 3rd, 2024

Follow this link to a short video that gives a line-by-line breakdown of the Lord’s Prayer. Learn how Jesus teaches us to see ourselves in the story of the Bible.


Check out the following podcast.


For more episodes — https://bibleproject.com/podcasts/the-bible-project-podcast/ Sermon on the Mount Episodes 20-24.

Listen to these songs

Contemporary: https://youtu.be/v4Kp6S5smnE?si=r7yPLNkA7cvyXRD0

Traditional: https://youtu.be/fA47_QaSKgY?si=xlb004yVoRxM9AwH

August 10th, 2024

With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:

Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Eugene H. Peterson, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2005), Mt 6:9–13.

Listen: Tim Keller, “Basis of Prayer: ‘Our Father’” https://s8683195.sendpul.se/sl/MzI0NjY2MA==/d49902e24271228f9be26ddf594e70c54314cs9

Watch: “Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray” from “The Chosen” https://s8683195.sendpul.se/sl/MzI0NjY2MQ==/d49902e24271228f9be26ddf594e70c54314cs9

August 16th, 2024

9  Your prayers, rather, should be simple, like this:
Our Father in heaven,
let Your name remain holy.
10      Bring about Your kingdom.UGU
Manifest Your will here on earth,
as it is manifest in heaven.
11      Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less—
12      And forgive us our debts
as we forgive those who owe us something.
13      Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
[But let Your kingdom be,
and let it be powerful
and glorious forever. Amen.]
The Voice Bible: Step Into the Story of Scripture

Further Resources

Read: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/lords-prayer-lived/
Listen: https://youtu.be/h0J6pF1tCNU?si=qhCVrmyGnyDNffxZ

The Lord's Prayer  Mill City

August 23rd, 2024

9 “Pray along these lines: ‘Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name. 10 We ask that your kingdom will come now. May your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven. 11 Give us our food again today, as usual, 12 and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. 13 Don’t bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One.

The Living Bible: Paraphrased-A Thought-for-Thought Translation

Read: Bible Project Guides: The Lord’s Prayer https://bibleproject.com/guides/the-lords-prayer/

Listen: The Acappella Company “The Lord’s Prayer P&H Singers One God” https://youtu.be/dL1nbJfWmgk?si=6rffw9m1gqH1D62f

September 1st, 2024

A Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer
By Saint Francis of Assisi (edited)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father
Most Holy: Our Creator, Consoler, Redeemer, and Savior.

Who art in heaven
In the angels and in the saints, enlightening them to know that you, O Lord, are light, inflaming them to charity; that you, O Lord, are love, dwelling in them and filling them with happiness; that you, O Lord, are the Supreme Good, the Eternal Good, from whom all goodness comes and without whom there is no good.

Hallowed be thy Name
May our knowledge of you become more clear, so that we may know the breadth of your blessings, the length of your promises, the height of your majesty, and the depth of your holy judgments.

Thy Kingdom Come
So that you may rule us by your grace and enable us to come into your kingdom, where there is a clear vision of you, a perfect love for you, a blessed companionship with you, and eternal joy and life with you in heaven.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
So that we may love you with our whole heart by always thinking about you; with our whole soul by always desiring only you; with our whole mind by always directing all of our intentions to you; and by seeking your glory in everything, with all of our strength and by exerting all of our energies and affections, in both body and soul, in service of your love and nothing else. And may we love our neighbors as ourselves by drawing them to your love with our whole strength by rejoicing in the good of others, by suffering with them, and by giving offense to no one.

Give us this day 
In reverence, remembrance, and understanding of the love that our Lord Jesus Christ had for us, and of those things that he said, those things that he did, and those things that he suffered for our sake.

Our daily bread
Your own Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgive us our trespasses
Through your indescribable mercy, through the power of the Passion of your Beloved Son.

As we forgive those who trespass against us
What we do not completely forgive, help us to truly love our enemies because of you; inspire us to truly pray for them before you; returning no one evil for evil; and may we strive always to help everyone in your name.

And lead us not into temptation
Hidden or obvious, sudden or persistent.

But deliver us from evil
Past, present, and yet to come. Amen.

Read: “Our Father: Jesus and His Jewish Lord’s Prayer”  https://stonedcampbelldisciple.com/2016/02/19/our-father-jesus-and-his-jewish-lords-prayer/

Listen: “The Lord’s Prayer” Hillsong Worship. https://youtu.be/kUjLd6k6uXk?si=vmr-AS7VYCWhu9Cm