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Paul Luna

You Are More of a Leader Than You Think

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Ever feel like life throws leadership responsibilities at you when you’re just trying to survive the day? Yeah, I get it. I was at my kitchen table the other day, avoiding the pile of dishes when it hit me—we all lead in some way. Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m no leader!” But here’s the truth: if you’ve convinced a toddler to eat their veggies or gotten a teenager to clean their room, you’ve got leadership skills. Let’s dive into how Christian leadership isn’t about titles, but about living out love and integrity in every corner of our lives.

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Kingdom Giving Starts with You

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In my 20s, a friend advised me to start planning for my financial future, a concept that felt way too grown-up at the time. However, that advice stuck, and Kimmy and I took our first small steps toward faithful stewardship. Now, we’re inviting you to take your own steps in Kingdom Giving, aligning your finances with God’s purpose and creating a lasting impact. Join us for our seminar and discover how giving can transform every stage of your life.

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MEXICO MISSION: July – August 2024

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The Ruiz Family shares their July-August 2024 update from Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico. From VBS with 350 kids to their ongoing church building project, the Lord is moving powerfully in their mission work. Despite challenges, including a family loss and heavy rains, they continue to trust in God’s provision and grace. The update also highlights visits from family, homeschooling, and witnessing God’s hand in both personal and community victories.

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serving mill city

Reflecting Christ’s Love in Action

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As I reflect on Jesus’ humble act of washing His disciples’ feet, I’m reminded of how He calls us to serve one another with that same love and humility. In my own experience as a youth leader, I witnessed the power of simple, humble acts of service, like when my student ministry pastor knelt and washed my feet at the end of camp. This blog explores how we can follow Jesus’ example by serving in our church and community, whether through helping set up for events like our BBQ, guiding children in ministry, or using our talents in tech or music. Each act of service strengthens our faith and deepens our connection to Christ and one another.

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The Evangelistic Power of Our Community BBQ

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Mill City Christian Church’s upcoming BBQ isn’t just about food—it’s an opportunity to connect with our neighbors, share the gospel, and engage in intentional discipleship. This event is more than a meal; it’s a chance to build lasting relationships and sow seeds of faith in our community.

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Why We Are Hosting a Church BBQ in Mill City

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Mill City Christian Church is hosting a BBQ to bring our community closer, sharing meals and stories in a setting that reflects our faith and love. It’s more than just an event; it’s a chance to reconnect with neighbors, offer encouragement, and build lasting bonds. In a world where we often lose touch, this gathering reminds us of the power of fellowship and the importance of supporting one another in Christ.

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mill city mission

Our First Steps into Mexico for a Lasting Impact

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As we prepare for our mission trip to Mexico, I’m filled with excitement about meeting those who have been witnessing and serving the Nahuatl people in the mountain communities surrounding Tixtla de Guerrero. For the past two years, our church’s commitment to these communities has been incredibly impactful. Inspired by the Ruiz family’s powerful testimony, we have poured our hearts into this mission. Through their mission letters and Abigail’s one-month trip, we’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible changes happening there. This trip will deepen our faith, challenge us to trust God more fully, and allow us to see His work in action.

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church social media

How to Reflect Jesus’ Grace on Social Media

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I used to be a huge Facebook user, sharing thoughts and life moments. But over time, I saw an uglier side of people emerge. We’ve been misled into thinking that being harsh on social media is justified. There’s a notion that bad people don’t deserve God’s love, grace, or restoration; instead, harsh words are seen as justified acts of righteousness. This mentality is false and dangerous. The world tells us to repay evil with evil, but Jesus states, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

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church leadership

4 Qualities that God is Looking For

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How important is inner character and humility in our daily lives? The value of these qualities, along with trusting God’s will, is explored through biblical stories and principles to guide believers in their daily lives.

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santiam church service

2 Reasons for 1 Service

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There are 2 reason that going to 1 service during the summer at Mill City Christian Church will enhance our community bonds, streamline our worship process, and invigorate our congregational spirit.

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