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Mill City Christian Church

Leading Discipling Serving

Palm Sunday – Holy Week

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Holy Week is the most sacred week in the church calendar, and it all starts with Palm Sunday, where Jesus enters Jerusalem as a humble king riding on a donkey. This event redefined Israel’s expectations of what the Messiah would look like. Instead of a conquering military hero, Jesus is a lowly, gentle king who…

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Mexico Mission: January – February 2023

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The Ruiz Family Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico January February 2023 Update   Dear Praying Friends, Let’s see how quick I can be tonight in catching each one of you up to the present with this prayer letter. First of all, at the beginning of January we were able to get our…

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Mexico Mission: September – December 2022

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The Ruiz Family Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico September-December 2022 Update   Dear Praying Friends, Work and blessings. Planting and harvesting. We have had the privilege of serving our Lord in so many ways and seeing so much fruit these last few months. And as many of you realized, I did not…

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Mexico Mission: July – August 2022

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The Ruiz Family Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico July – August 2022 Update  Dear Praying Friends, Wow! So much can happen in two months that it feels as if it were much longer! As I sit here at the computer, my emotions come quickly to the surface and want to spill over…

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Mexico Mission Mill City Christian Church 4

Mexico Mission: May – June 2022

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The Ruiz Family Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico May June 2022 Update   Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from wet, green Tixtla. Our rainy season is in full swing and how I am enjoying the cooler evenings and the constant sound of rain on the church´s tin roof as I go to sleep…

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Mexico Mission: March – April 2022

150 150 Paul Luna

The Ruiz Family Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico March April 2022 Update Dear Praying Friends, I’m writing this update in a much different setting than my usual prayer letters. The Lord blessed me with the unique opportunity of flying to California alone to visit my parents and Samuel for a week. It’s…

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Building Plans Approved

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On Friday the 13th the church’s building plans were presented to the city council of Mill City and were approved.   It still takes a couple of weeks to go through the approval process, but we have already begun looking for bids from contractors to get the process started as soon as possible.

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Building plans Submitted

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We have submitted our building plans to the city and hope to meet with them at their next council meeting.

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Philippians 2:12-13

150 150 Paul Luna

Whose job is spiritual growth?  Psychologists say one of the primary causes of conflict in households involves dispute over what’s generally called division of labor.  If the bed goes unmade, if the dishes go unwashed, if the diaper goes unchanged, who is responsible for getting the job done?   Many households have never had a…

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Education Building

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We have approved Modern Building to build our first building, the education facility, as soon as the city approves our plans.

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