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Biblical Principles

church social media

How to Reflect Jesus’ Grace on Social Media

1024 585 Paul Luna

I used to be a huge Facebook user, sharing thoughts and life moments. But over time, I saw an uglier side of people emerge. We’ve been misled into thinking that being harsh on social media is justified. There’s a notion that bad people don’t deserve God’s love, grace, or restoration; instead, harsh words are seen as justified acts of righteousness. This mentality is false and dangerous. The world tells us to repay evil with evil, but Jesus states, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

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Family church

Marriage That Thrives, Not Just Survives (Commitment: Part 2)

1024 854 Paul Luna

Ready to elevate your marriage from surviving to thriving? Dive into this comprehensive guide that draws wisdom from age-old love stories and biblical teachings. Uncover the keys to unconditional commitment, emotional intimacy, and a godly marriage. Your journey to an epic love story starts here!

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