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Hope Mill City

Unlocking the Secrets of Faith and Hope Through Gardening

1024 574 Paul Luna

Uncover the spiritual significance of gardening as a metaphor for faith and hope. Through nurturing seeds into plants, we see a reflection of our own spiritual growth, grounded in God’s promises and nurtured by our steadfast belief and anticipation of His faithfulness.

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Gates Church

Chaos to Christ – Hope Amidst Conflict

1024 585 Paul Luna

In the early hours of a ghastly dawn, the sudden war outbreak in Israel and Gaza, between Hamas and Israel, has left the world in shock. Amidst the chaos and despair, solace is found in God’s unyielding promises. Unpack the complexities of the conflict, reassess our understanding of God’s sovereign plan, and encourage believers to manifest Christ’s peace and righteousness.

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