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Paul Luna

Hope Mill City

Unlocking the Secrets of Faith and Hope Through Gardening

1024 574 Paul Luna

Uncover the spiritual significance of gardening as a metaphor for faith and hope. Through nurturing seeds into plants, we see a reflection of our own spiritual growth, grounded in God’s promises and nurtured by our steadfast belief and anticipation of His faithfulness.

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How to End the Cycle of Fighting in Marriage

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Like many couples, James and Sophia had expectations of what marriage should look like, but reality proved different. Here are 4 practical steps to turn disagreements into moments of connection in marriage, emphasizing effective communication, empathetic listening, and appreciation of each partner’s needs and contributions for a stronger, more intimate bond.

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Children Mill City

What to Say to Your Child About Sex at Different Ages

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Do you need some practical, faith-based guidance on how to engage in meaningful conversations about sexuality with your children? We got you covered. From the early years to puberty, learn how to approach this sensitive topic with confidence, love, and biblical wisdom.

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Talking to Kids About Sex in a Christian Home

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Talking to your kids about sex in a Christian home involves navigating complex conversations with grace and biblical wisdom. These delicate conversations about sex with your children from a Christian perspective require emphasizing God’s design for sexuality and the importance of open, honest discussions within the family setting. Here is some practical advice, biblical insights, and resources to support you, the parent, in this crucial aspect of Christian parenting.

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The ‘You Can’t Judge Me!’ Myth

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Often misunderstood, the biblical instruction ‘Judge not, that you be not judged’ is much more than a call for unconditional acceptance. In ‘You Can’t Judge Me!’ we unravel the true essence of Jesus’ words, emphasizing the balance between discernment and compassion in Christian judgment. Discover how Jesus’ teachings guide us to judge with humility and aim for restoration, not condemnation.

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bible church Lyons

Why the Bible Is Essential for Understanding God

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An exploration of the Bible’s profound impact in the contemporary world, delving into understanding God’s nature, providing practical guidance for daily life, and offering vital wisdom, comfort, and direction. Learn how to engage with the Bible for personal transformation and gain deep insights into life’s big questions.

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Abigails Tixtla Guerrero Mission Newsletter (Two)

890 667 Paul Luna

Abigail Luna shares a touching update from Guerrero, where the church mission reached a small town speaking Spanish Nawhata. The team joyfully distributed gifts to over 200 children and provided care bags to mothers, leaving a lasting impression. The success of their weekly soul-winning efforts brought salvation to a teenager and a young boy, embodying the spirit of Matthew 28:18-20 and the impact of heartfelt outreach and connection.

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MEXICO MISSION: November – December 2023

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The Ruiz family shares their experiences of providing hurricane relief in Acapulco, including distributing meals and essentials, and engaging in gospel outreach. They recount witnessing to groups, teaching at a conference, and following God’s call to serve impacted communities. The update also covers their ministry in a small town outside Acapulco, where many embraced salvation. The family reflects on the growth of their mission, the support they received, and the joy of having their children home for the holidays, culminating in festive services with numerous visitors and new believers.

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Abigail’s Mission Trip Newsletter 13-23rd of December

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Hello Mill City Christina Church! Being here is truly a blessing, and the journey has already put me through trials that tested my trust in our Savior. Initially missing our flight due to the LA riots, my cousins and I found an unexpected way out through Tijuana, graciously provided by the Lord.  Exploring the mountains…

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Christmas Mill City

A Manger, a Miracle, and the Messiah

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Here’s the profound tale of the Nativity. Journey through Mary’s astonishment at Gabriel’s message, Joseph’s internal conflict and God’s guidance, and the humble birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. This story, enriched with faith and miracles, invites us to revisit the core of the Christmas narrative and the powerful message of hope it brings to the world.

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