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Mill City Christian Church

Leading Discipling Serving

Redefining Goodness

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Delve into the essence of authentic goodness, guided by Biblical teachings. Explore how to embrace mercy, sincerity, peace-making, and courage in adversity as we journey towards deep, lasting change from within and become better versions of ourselves.

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Unlock a Flourishing Marriage: The Power of Listening (2 of 2)

1024 559 Paul Luna

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of effective listening as we navigate the intricacies of relationship dynamics. Discover the keys to a flourishing marriage and unlock the potential for deeper connection with practical strategies to enhance communication, deepen understanding, and foster stronger bonds in your relationship.

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Mill city church

Unlock a Flourishing Marriage: The Power of Listening (1 of 2)

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Explore how understanding four aspects of communication – facts, self-revelation, relationship, and appeal – can deepen our connections in our marriages.

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Mill City Church

The Power of Vision: Inspired by the Spirit

1024 559 Paul Luna

Join us on a divine journey at Mill City Christian Church. Inspired by the Spirit, we aim to become a dynamic church and supportive community. Discover our short-term and long-term goals as we strive for spiritual growth, community involvement, and the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus.

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A Message from Abigail Luna: Recently, I have been blessed with a fantastic opportunity to embark on a mission trip to Mexico through Mill City Christian Church. God has placed a strong calling in my heart, and I have decided to follow His will during my Christmas break this year. I will be staying with…

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Illuminate and Inspire

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Embrace your path, love, serve, seek wisdom, connect with purpose, trust in faith. Join our transformative journey of growth and fulfillment. #TimelessWisdom

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Break this Cycle for a Successful Marriage

1024 717 Paul Luna

“Love is a dialogue, not a monologue.” – Dr. Gary Chapman Sophia had spent the entire day immersed in paperwork and conference calls, negotiating with clients, and dealing with the constant hum of office stress. As she finally closed the door behind her, she could feel the weariness sink into her bones. All she longed…

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Three Reasons to Support the Nahuatl People

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This video is about the missions ministry in Acapulco Mexico and to the Nahuatl Communities in the Mountains. Deep in the heart of the Mexican mountains, an extraordinary spiritual transformation is taking place. The Nahuatl people, untouched by the Gospel until 2020, have begun their faith journey. This weekend, we invite you to participate in…

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The Impact of Thoughts and Words on Our Lives

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Every day, we face countless thoughts and speak numerous words. Have you ever considered the impact they have on your life and the lives of those around you? Embracing positive thinking and being mindful of our words can bring about personal growth and inspire and encourage those around us. Let’s explore the scriptural foundation for…

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Generosity as a Lifestyle

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Generosity is not a single act; it’s a lifestyle that transforms hearts and echoes eternity. Many young baseball fans dream about the ultimate prize of attending a professional game—catching a foul ball. At a 2011 Arizona Diamondbacks game, twelve-year-old Ian did just that, but then to the amazement of everyone in the stands, he gave…

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