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How to Spot a Godly Man

150 150 Paul Luna

I think about my girls dating and I seriously panic! It freaks me out, to be honest, but it’s inevitable. Unfortunately, since arranged marriages aren’t really part of our culture, they will eventually date. God, help us all. To my girls, Someday, by God’s grace, you will be married. And I hope and pray that…

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Christian Civil Disobedience

150 150 Paul Luna

What does God say about Christian Churches disobeying the law? Here is a quick summary, "Some Thoughts on Christian Civil Disobedience" by Kyle Borg. "The current pandemic of COVID-19 has forced many Christians out of their armchairs to consider the real-life implications of how to be a Christian and a citizen... In the midst of…

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First Summit Meeting in May 2019

150 150 Paul Luna
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