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    We Got A Plan! Update 3/27/20

    150 150 Paul Luna
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    We want to share with our Mill City Christian Church family the next steps we, as a church, are taking to navigate the difficult circumstances surrounding the COVID-19. Again, we will not meet this Sunday and all church activities during the week will remain canceled. We believe the restrictions on mass gatherings will stay in place for several more weeks; therefore, we have adjusted to this new reality.  We have developed a multi-pronged plan to help us stay connected to God, each other, and our neighbors. This plan includes three parts: bible teaching, community, and finances.

    Bible teaching is a key component of spiritual growth. In place of our regular Sunday morning gatherings we are living streaming our services on both Facebook page and now our Youtube page.

    Community is also a key component for moving through hard times. We need each other and so we will be taking steps to make sure that no one in our church family is forgotten. Many people at MCCC are already subscribed to our Facebook page and now our Faithlife group.  Both places allow us to share announcements and key updates as well as prayer requests. These services allow for two-way communication, so if you have a need, please let us know so we can activate other people in our church to help you.

    In addition to Facebook and Faithlife, our deacons, deaconess and key leaders are committed to personally checking on each person in their flock regularly. Every member and regular attendee at MCCC is assigned a deacon, deaconess or key leader. This guarantees that everyone at MCCC will receive personal communication and encouragement during these uncertain times. Please share any needs you have with your leaders. We are here to pray for you and help in any way we can.

    Community, however, doesn’t just involve those who call MCCC home. Community, also includes our neighbors. We will continue to serve our community by giving back. We are working with the Gates Community Church and United Way to make sure if someone requires food, and you can’t help them, that we can get food to them.   Call your deacon, deaconess or key leader to let us know of any needs you are aware of.

    In the next week or two, we will set up online meetings using software like Zoom or Google Hangout. This means we can relaunch our Life groups and Leadership classes.

    Finally, we recognize that our church finances could be affected by an economic downturn. We want to encourage everyone in our MCCC family to continue to give as you feel the Lord leading you. There is an online giving option on our website. But for those who give cash or check, please mail them to PO Box 78, Mill City, OR 97360.

    MCCC family, these are complicated and challenging times, but there are opportunities for us to grow spiritually and support each other and our neighbors. God is with us and for that reason, we can still smile.






    Paul Luna

    Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

    All stories by: Paul Luna