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Kingdom Giving Starts with You

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When I was in my early 20s, a friend pulled me aside one day and said, “You need to start planning for your financial future now. Don’t wait until your 30s or 40s. The habits you form today will shape the rest of your life.” Honestly, that was the last thing I wanted to hear. I was young, enjoying life, and the idea of “financial planning” felt like something meant for when you start complaining about knee pain and lawn care.

However, his words stuck with me, and I eventually brought it up to Kimmy, and we both decided to take that advice seriously. Now, did we know what we were doing? Not a chance. But we figured it was time to start somewhere. So, we met with a financial planner and made a simple plan. Nothing fancy, just baby steps in the right direction and building the right habits. That small decision has shaped how we handle finances today, and it’s a reminder of how God calls us to be faithful stewards of what He provides.

Start Taking Simple Steps for Kingdom Impact

This is why Kingdom Giving is so important. We spend a lot of time thinking about money—making it, saving it, and using it wisely. But what if our wealth could serve a greater purpose? This Sunday, we’re wrapping up our sermon series, “Dollars and Sense,” where we’ve explored finances through God’s eyes. We’re taking it one step further with a seminar on Kingdom Giving. Because God calls us to use our resources for more than our needs, He wants us to use them to build His Kingdom.

Proverbs 3:9 tells us, “Honor the Lord with your wealth.” Sure, easier said than done, right? We know finances are a deeply personal and sometimes stressful part of life. And if you’re like me, that piggy bank you had as a kid is long gone. But the truth is there are over 2,000 verses in the Bible about money, giving, and stewardship. Clearly, God cares about how we manage what He’s given us.

This is why I’m inviting you to join us on Sunday, November 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. when Sten Carlson from Ameriprise Financial will lead a seminar on Kingdom Giving. No matter your stage in life, he’ll show you just how relevant Kingdom Giving can be for you.

See How Kingdom Giving Impacts Your Life

  • For the Young Singles (20s): Now’s the time to build financial habits that reflect God’s priorities. Imagine what it would mean to lay a foundation of generosity early on, aligning your resources with a Kingdom mindset.
  • For Families (30s-40s): Balancing careers, kids, and savings can be overwhelming. How does Kingdom Giving fit into this? It’s about teaching your children to trust God’s provision by showing them what sacrificial generosity looks like.
  • For Those Nearing Retirement (50s+): How you use your wealth can leave a legacy as you approach retirement. This stage is an opportunity to align your resources with God’s mission, impacting both now and the future. It’s about more than just the next vacation or buying that dream boat—though, honestly, the boat does sound nice.
  • For Seniors (65+): Your wisdom can guide the next generation. Kingdom Giving in this season allows you to make sure your legacy advances God’s Kingdom.

Make Kingdom Giving Transform Your Finances

Sten will cover the Biblical view of wealth, practical ways to save to give more, and even estate planning concepts. So, whether you’re single, raising a family, or looking towards retirement, this seminar has something for you. Join us on November 3rd at 6:00 p.m. at MCCC and take the next step in aligning your finances with God’s Kingdom. This is more than just a financial talk—it’s an invitation to discover how your resources can make an eternal impact. And hey, who knows? Maybe you’ll walk away with a better plan than just stuffing bills under the mattress!



Paul Luna

Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

All stories by: Paul Luna