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    trunk or treat mill city

    Reclaiming Halloween at Our Trunk or Treat

    1024 621 Paul Luna
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    This is the day that the ‘Lord has made’ included every day, even October 31st. This was not Satan’s day; he didn’t make it.

    My Internal Struggle with Halloween

    Halloween, often draped in eerie sights and unsettling sounds, may cause you to wonder why we would then participate in it with a Trunk or Treat. Let me explain. When I was in my 20s, Halloween was a day I struggled with, and at one time, I decided I would go to great lengths to distance myself from the festivities. The thought of demonic influences parading under the guise of innocent costumes unnerved me deeply. I found myself wrestling with the holiday’s unsettling underbelly, caught between my love for creating fun for the community kids and a gnawing fear that participating would be akin to playing with fire.

    That internal struggle shifted dramatically when I read Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This is the day that the “Lord has made” included every day, even October 31st. This was not Satan’s day; he didn’t make it. All he has done is try to hijack it for himself. How could I willingly give this day over to darkness when the hands of God Himself crafted it? My views were further changed when I considered how the Apostle Paul approached pagan festivals.

    Reclaiming October 31st

    Like the Apostle Paul, who found himself among statues of various gods in Athens, I saw an opportunity in what many consider ‘pagan.’ Paul didn’t shy away. He boldly proclaimed, “For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ So, you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you” (Acts 17:23). He met people where they were, both physically and spiritually, and used that as a platform for sharing God’s word.

    From that point on, my perspective underwent a fundamental shift. No longer would I allow Satan to stake his claim on a day that the Lord had made. Instead, I felt called to partner with God in transforming what many intend for evil into a celebration of the good and the holy. The day wasn’t the issue; it was how the day was used that mattered. If the community was going to be outside, trick-or-treating and gathering, then that’s where I needed to be, too. This realization was my golden opportunity to make October 31st more than an evening of costumes and candy, but an opportunity to reclaim Halloween as a community outreach and spiritual renewal.

    No longer would I allow Satan to stake his claim on a day that the Lord had made. Instead, I felt called to partner with God in transforming what many intend for evil into a celebration of the good and the holy.

    Scripture calls us to be in the world but not of it, as Jesus prayed for His disciples: “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17:14-16). Jesus’ statement calls for boldness rather than fear-induced withdrawal during Halloween. Once a year, our community is out and about, and we have an opportunity to engage them where they are. Let’s use it as a steppingstone for personal evangelism, opening doors to kids and families in our community, and making connections, even if it’s just for a moment. Instead of cowering in fear or skepticism, let’s reclaim Halloween as a platform to share God’s love within our community.

    Our Trunk or Treat Opportunity

    Similarly, our upcoming Trunk or Treat event is our ‘altar to an unknown God.’ We’re meeting our community right where they are, offering a familiar but unique space to introduce them to the love and grace of God. Like Paul in Athens, we use existing traditions to make the Gospel known.

    This October 31st, we have an extraordinary opportunity at Mill City Christian Church. We’re hosting our Trunk or Treat event from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Our church parking lot will be transformed into a sanctuary of joy, hope, and good old-fashioned fun. But it’s more than a safe and family-friendly alternative to traditional trick-or-treating. Here’s what makes our Trunk or Treat event unique:

    1. Candy and Games: Sure, we’ll have heaps of candy, but we’ll also have games that entertain and build teamwork among the kids.
    2. Food and Drink: Kettle corn, hot coffee, and hot cocoa will be available. Something for everyone in the family to enjoy!
    3. Community Engagement: This isn’t just an event; it’s an outreach program. We aim to connect with local families, offering a welcoming and joyful atmosphere.
    4. Safe Environment: With all the fun, let’s not forget safety. We provide a well-monitored space for children to enjoy under the watchful eyes of their parents and our church community.
    5. Creativity and Expression: We’ll decorate our car trunks in various themes that entertain and educate. This allows us to express creativity and engage the young in fun narratives.
    6. Gospel Sharing: Without getting preachy, we can share the essence of our faith through casual conversations, themed decorations, or simple gospel tracts.
    7. Fellowship: The collective effort in organizing and participating in this event fosters camaraderie among us, strengthening our church community.

    Called to be ‘in the world but not of it,’ our Trunk or Treat is a prime example. We’ll be in the heart of Mill City, engaging families and making an impact. Handing out candy might spark conversations that plant spiritual seeds. So, come and reclaim Halloween for the glory of God. It starts with you, your car’s trunk, and a spirit of participation.

    We’ll be in the heart of Mill City, engaging families and making an impact. Handing out candy might spark conversations that plant spiritual seeds.

    Decorating Ideas

    Decorating our car trunks for this event is akin to painting a canvas with whimsical themes that tell stories, evoke emotions, and ignite curiosity. Below are some theme ideas and how to execute them without burning a hole in your pocket:

    • Narnia Theme:
      • Resources: A Christmas tree, a lantern, and a folding table.
      • Extras: Dressing up pets in thematic costumes can add a lively touch to the enchanted land of Narnia.
    • Noah’s Ark Theme:
      • Resources: Affordable decorating kits are available online.
      • Extras: Handing out animal-themed treats could add a fun touch.
    • Camping Scene Theme:
      • Resources: Rolled-up blankets for logs, red tissue paper for flames, and a few camping chairs.
      • Extras: Adding marshmallow sticks or a faux fishing setup could add to the camping scene allure.
    • Construction Site Theme:
      • Resources: Toy construction vehicles, safety cones, and caution tape.
      • Extras: Adding a ‘Work in Progress’ sign reflecting our continuous journey of faith.
    • It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Theme:
      • Resources: Artificial pumpkins and fall leaf garland.
      • Extras: Playing the classic Peanuts Halloween special in the background could stir up nostalgia.

    Lighting Up Our Community

    As we transform our church parking lot into a haven of joy, creativity, and wholesome fun, we’re doing far more than just participating in a Halloween celebration; we’re reimagining it through the lens of faith. Don’t let these moments of connection and joy pass by—capture them. I encourage everyone to take photos or videos during Trunk or Treat. Share these snapshots of genuine fellowship on your social media platforms; let’s extend our reach beyond the boundaries of the church lot. Show everyone a church that’s alive, engaging, and full of heart. With each festively decorated trunk and every piece of candy handed out, we’re not merely engaging in community outreach—we’re embodying the Gospel message, planting seeds of God’s love in the hearts of the young and old.

    Let’s stand united in this endeavor, being the community light that shines brighter than any darkness that seeks to overshadow it. If you’re ready to be a part of this extraordinary mission, it starts with you, your car’s trunk, and a spirit of participation. Register your vehicle for our Trunk or Treat event at Mill City Christian Church’s Trunk or Treat Registration. Let’s come together and reclaim Halloween for the glory of God.

    Let’s stand united in this endeavor, being the community light that shines brighter than any darkness that seeks to overshadow it.


    Paul Luna

    Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

    All stories by: Paul Luna