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    serving mill city

    Reflecting Christ’s Love in Action

    1024 600 Paul Luna
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    Why We Serve

    Imagine what it was like when Jesus, your friend, and Lord, in a somber mood, knelt down and washed your feet. The Son of God, the world’s Savior, humbly serves you in such an intimate way. Then, just 24 hours later, you realize that this act of service was His final one before the cross. The last thing Jesus chose to do, knowing what was ahead, was to spend time with you by serving you. He could have spent His final moments enjoying Himself—taking a walk, seeing the sights, or having a night on the town. But no, the last thing on His heart, His final desire, was to serve you.

    Serving in Love and Humility

    Jesus didn’t just talk about service—He embodied it. In that quiet, humble act of washing your feet, He demonstrated what it means to follow Him: to serve others with love and humility. I witnessed something similar as a youth leader at the end of a summer camp. After a week of running around and hanging out with kids who weren’t exactly clean, our student ministry pastor knelt down and washed all of our feet. That simple act mirrored Christ’s love and humility, which has stuck with me. In serving, we reflect Christ’s love, even when it’s not glamorous or easy.

    Through his final act, Jesus taught His disciples and us that greatness in God’s kingdom comes not from being served but from serving others. As Jesus taught, “Whoever wants to be first must be a servant of all” (Mark 10:44). Serving others allows us to reflect Christ’s love and humility. It’s not about the task but the heart behind it—serving in love, humility, and a desire to glorify God.

    Grow Through Service

    There are countless ways to serve within the church, and it’s important to remember that no act of service is too small. Whether you’re helping set up for an event, leading a Bible study, or simply offering a smile and a warm greeting on a Sunday morning, your service matters. In these acts—big and small—we become the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing His love and grace to those around us.

    Maybe you’re not sure where you fit in. That’s okay. Sometimes, God calls us to serve even before we feel fully equipped. As you serve, He reveals your gifts and talents and grows you in ways you never expected.

    Opportunities to Get Involved

    At Mill City Christian Church, there are many ways you can get involved and serve. Here are a few current opportunities where your gifts can make a difference:

    • BBQ Setup: We’re setting up the tent for the BBQ tomorrow, Friday, at 6 p.m. This is a perfect time to come and lend a hand as we prepare to serve our community.
    • Trunk or Treat Planning Team: Help plan and organize this fun outreach event for our community.
    • Awana (Wednesday Evenings): Be a part of this weekly children’s ministry, guiding kids in their walk with Christ.
    • Children’s Ministry: Teach or assist with Sunday School, nursery, or other children’s programs.
    • Handyman Ministry: Use your skills to help maintain our facilities or assist those in the congregation with home repairs.
    • Tech Team: Assist with sound, video, or live-streaming during services.
    • Landscaping: Help keep our church grounds beautiful by mowing, trimming, and caring for the property.
    • YouTube Channel: Assist in managing and producing content for our church’s online presence.
    • Sunday Morning Preparation: Help set up for services, prepare communion, or assist in welcoming people to church.
    • Visitor Follow-up: Reach out to visitors or members who haven’t attended recently, offering encouragement and connection.
    • Music Ministry: Share your musical talents by joining the worship team.
    • Student Ministry: Mentor or lead youth, guiding them in their spiritual growth.
    • Young Life/Wyldlife: Serve in these outreach programs, working with teens and sharing the Gospel.
    • Office Administration: Help with church communications, data entry, or organizing events.

    Finding Your Place in Ministry

    This is not an exhaustive list; it is just a few opportunities. Serving is not about filling a position but about living out the call Jesus gave us. When we serve, we grow together as a church family and reflect Christ’s love to those around us. I encourage you to pray about where God is calling you to serve. Whether it’s helping with the BBQ setup, reaching out to a visitor, or working behind the scenes, every act of service matters. Let’s serve with joy, humility, and a desire to glorify God, knowing that through our service, we are building His kingdom here on earth.




    Paul Luna

    Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

    All stories by: Paul Luna