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Three Reasons to Support the Nahuatl People

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This video is about the missions ministry in Acapulco Mexico and to the Nahuatl Communities in the Mountains.

Deep in the heart of the Mexican mountains, an extraordinary spiritual transformation is taking place. The Nahuatl people, untouched by the Gospel until 2020, have begun their faith journey. This weekend, we invite you to participate in this significant development. We will be holding a unique offering. Every penny you contribute will directly support our fellow believers in Tixtla de Guerrero, who are working tirelessly to serve the Nahuatl community. This contribution demonstrates your love and signifies a commitment to a cause much more extensive than ourselves.

Actively Participate In Fulfilling The Great Commission

Our faith is rooted in the divine mandate given by Jesus Christ: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). This directive, often referred to as the Great Commission, is a call to action for every believer. It’s a challenge that stretches beyond our comfort zones and requires our involvement, resources, and unyielding commitment.

When we contribute to this unique offering, we are not just giving; we are actively participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We align ourselves with God’s grand plan for humanity, reaching out to people like the Nahuatl, who represent a part of “all creation” previously untouched by the Gospel.

Your contribution, therefore, serves a dual purpose. It provides much-needed resources to aid the work on the ground and embodies your commitment to spreading the Gospel, thus participating in a foundational aspect of our Christian faith. It’s an opportunity for us to unite as a congregation and make a collective impact that reverberates through the heart of Mexico and beyond.

Experiencing The Transformative Power Of Generosity

Generosity is more than a virtue; it expresses our faith and responds to God’s abundant love. The joy that comes from giving, as highlighted here, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7), isn’t a fleeting pleasure, but a profound, enduring joy that resonates deep within our hearts.

As Apostle Paul recounted in his epistles, the early churches, despite their hardships, offered resources for the propagation of the Gospel. Their gifts weren’t just material contributions; they were seeds sown in the fertile field of faith, yielding a harvest of hope, love, and salvation. This generosity met immediate needs and led to spiritual growth within the community and beyond.

Our Tixtla community members are following in these ancient footsteps. Despite their financial challenges, they invest their resources in sharing the Gospel with the Nahuatl people. Their sacrifice is a testament to their deep faith and love for God and His people, and it’s a testament to the transformative power of generosity.

By contributing to this unique offering, we are not just donating but participating in this chain of generosity. We are stepping into the shoes of the early church, walking the path of the Tixtla community, and carrying forward the biblical legacy of generous giving. Our gifts, combined with the sacrificial giving of the Tixtla community, will enable the Gospel to reach the hearts of the Nahuatl people.

Remember, every contribution, regardless of its size, has the power to make a difference. It’s not just about the amount given but the heart behind the giving. As we prepare our hearts and minds for this unique offering, let’s embrace the joy of generosity and witness firsthand its transformative power.

Directly Impacting The Lives Of The Nahuatl People

More than 40% of the world’s population is unreached with the Gospel. With your generous contributions, we can help change this statistic. This unique offering isn’t just about finances — it’s about joining a transformative journey and aiding our faith family.

Every cent of the funds raised during this unique offering will go directly to serve the Nahuatl people. This support will provide vital resources for the mission, such as transportation, Bibles for the Nahuatl people, and necessities for the missionaries. Your contribution will have a tangible impact on the transformative work among the Nahuatl people, aiding in their spiritual awakening and deepening their understanding of Christ’s love.

The journey of the Tixtla missionaries is not an easy one. Their three-hour mountainous trek and the financial demands of the mission reveal their unwavering dedication to sharing the hope found in Christ. We stand with them by contributing to this unique offering, bolstering their efforts, and affirming their mission.

Finally, let’s consider the parable of the widow’s offering in Mark 12:41-44. Despite her poverty, the widow gave all she had, demonstrating her deep faith and the profound truth that generosity is not about the amount given but the heart behind the giving. As we prepare for this unique offering, let’s take this biblical principle of generosity to heart and reflect on how we can contribute to this transformative mission among the Nahuatl people.

This unique offering presents an opportunity for us to extend our generosity, fulfill our biblical mandate, and make a real difference in the lives of the Nahuatl people. Let’s join together in this mission and witness the power of our collective generosity in sparking a spiritual awakening among the Nahuatl people.


Paul Luna

Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

All stories by: Paul Luna