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Mexico Mission: July – August 2023

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The Ruiz Family
Serving the Lord in Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico
July August 2023 Update 

Dear Praying Friends,

As I was calmly rejoicing that I was finally caught up after our trip, getting everything put away, the kids’ homeschool classes started again, and organizing future activities, it dawned on me that I never sent out the July August update.

As I look back on July, I just remember praying and praying and praying on getting our passports and my husband’s visa and organizing VBS. And God answered all those prayers. Samuel was able to come home for just three weeks before we flew to the states. He jumped straight into VBS with us, driving the van and organizing the boys’ games. My other children all helped out as well, especially Hannah leading singing and the girls’ games. I kept the main story time as I love to teach children and find it hard to give over my favorite job! We rejoiced in having 525 kids in our attendance records, besides parents and kids who walked in without getting registered. Just Sunday, we had quite a few kids in my class who started coming during VBS. I was able to lead one little 5 year-old’s grandma to the Lord last Saturday. How I praise the Lord for the open doors that VBS leaves us!

Exactly a week after VBS, our whole family flew to Los Angeles, CA where we borrowed a minivan to use during our almost 4 week stay in the states. We enjoyed those weeks together as a family more than I can describe. The memories we made. . .  listening to the kids harmonize with the awesome acoustics in Calvary Baptist’s walleyball room, the ten of us sleeping together in church chairs in Sonora, taking over my sister Kimmy’s home (literally sending her family outside to their RV) . . . are all etched into our minds. We primarily visited my family, but we also were able to visit our supporting churches. I enjoyed hearing the girls harmonize together with Samuel at the piano so much. That’s one thing that brings me sadness: sending talented kids off to college!

 I praise the Lord for allowing me (and all the family) to see my parents again. It always amazes me how little Big Sur changes. The vast ocean just waits outside my parents’ windows as it always did. It just looks so much more beautiful after being away from home for so long.

 The Lord provided for all of our needs again and again. From big things like super cheap flights to little things like enough time to grab a meal for the kids before boarding our flight home, God showed Himself to us. He carried us through Hannah’s high school graduation (Thank you to those who supported her and gave her gifts!) and the terribly sad goodbyes as we left both Hannah and Samuel at Golden State Baptist College.

 We ate more desserts than we ever should have and stayed up too late almost every night, just enjoying each other’s company. My heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness to the Lord for everything. I could never write them all down, but if you were a blessing to us with a powerful hug, or a check, or a suitcase, or a meal, or just a good sister talk, THANK YOU!

 We are home now and attempting to get back into a new routine. I’m finding homeschool a little bit easier now that I don’t have a baby.  Life is much easier with a 4 year-old as our youngest!

I think Efra missed his normal activities because he jumped eagerly into all of his duties immediately: witnessing in the mountain villages, starting up the Bible Institute again, visiting families, preaching, praying, etc. Just last Monday he was able to lead Brother Justo’s brother to the Lord just a few hours before he passed into eternity. It’s good to be back home. Efra and I celebrated 20 years since we came to Tixtla this September, and I celebrated 25 years as a missionary to Mexico. God is good!


With a grateful heart,
Laura Ruiz and family 


Paul Luna

Paul Luna is a pastor, husband & father of four in Oregon. He's passionate about faith, family, & community, he enjoys painting, hiking, & tech.

All stories by: Paul Luna