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    MEXICO MISSION: July – August 2024

    1024 577 Paul Luna

    The Ruiz Family shares their July-August 2024 update from Tixtla de Guerrero, Mexico. From VBS with 350 kids to their ongoing church building project, the Lord is moving powerfully in their mission work. Despite challenges, including a family loss and heavy rains, they continue to trust in God’s provision and grace. The update also highlights visits from family, homeschooling, and witnessing God’s hand in both personal and community victories.

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    Lyons church

    Mexico Mission: July – August 2023

    768 1024 Paul Luna

    In this heartfelt update, Laura Ruiz shares the family’s experiences from July and August 2023. From the joys of a successful Vacation Bible School in Tixtla to a memorable trip to the United States, the Ruiz family has been blessed in numerous ways. Dive into their journey of faith, family, and ministry as they continue to serve the Lord in Mexico.

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