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Mill City Christian Church

Leading Discipling Serving

Children Resources 10-11-20

950 1024 Paul Luna

Welcome to MCCC Kids Online! You can access all of the awesome material that you’d find at church right here! Here’s how you can enjoy these church videos and use the content provided as a family: Watch the video together. Included are worship songs, animated Bible stories, teachings, and explanations of the Bible story. Discuss…

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Church member fire update

1024 535 Paul Luna

These are the church members/attenders that have contacted Pastor Paul. I’ll list the family name, and then their last known location. If it says unknown, it just simply means they have contacted me and I don’t know exactly where they are. It does NOT mean anything is wrong with them. Luna’s, Albany Corey’s, Albany Smith’s,…

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Opening the Building

150 150 Paul Luna

This Sunday the church facility will be open with Two Sunday Morning Worship Services (9:00AM and 10:15AM) and we will be live streaming online as well. While we are excited to be opening the doors to our building, but in order to comply with state regulations, we will be making some changes.  If you would…

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Christian Civil Disobedience

150 150 Paul Luna

What does God say about Christian Churches disobeying the law? Here is a quick summary, "Some Thoughts on Christian Civil Disobedience" by Kyle Borg. "The current pandemic of COVID-19 has forced many Christians out of their armchairs to consider the real-life implications of how to be a Christian and a citizen... In the midst of…

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Reopening the Building

1024 594 Paul Luna

From the Elders: Dear Church Members, We are excited to be writing this letter to you. We (the elders) have been meeting to plan for our reopening of the sanctuary by June 14th. In fact, some of you may be wondering why we haven’t opened under phase 1 since other churches have. The answer is simple.…

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We Got A Plan! Update 3/27/20

150 150 Paul Luna

We want to share with our Mill City Christian Church family the next steps we, as a church, are taking to navigate the difficult circumstances surrounding the COVID-19. Again, we will not meet this Sunday and all church activities during the week will remain canceled. We believe the restrictions on mass gatherings will stay in…

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Anxiety. Update 3/23/20

150 150 Paul Luna

WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT:: Remember to pray throughout the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak. Public health emergencies like the COVID-19 can cause fear and anxiety. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will…

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How are you holding up? Update 3/20/20

150 150 Paul Luna

How are you holding up? We’re still here and we’re ready to help in any way we can. If you have any emergencies connected to the COVID-19 situation, let us know. The elders, deacons and I are ready to respond and do all that we can. If we can pray for you in any way,…

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We’re Still Here. Update 3/18/20

150 150 Paul Luna

Hi, I'm Paul Luna from Mill City Christian Church and I want you to know we’re still here, loving God and loving others. We're still leading people to Jesus, still serving our community at laundry love, and still meeting the needs in our community in every way we can. I wanted to invite you to…

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Talking to Kids about Coronavirus. Update 3/16/20

150 150 Paul Luna

Kids want to know... What is coronavirus? What should I do about it? Do I need to be scared? This video answers those questions and points kids to the Bible for direction on what to do when they feel afraid.

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